RBM: Virtue lies in the System…


foto RBM WIN_20150209_111028 OKOperating since 20 years ago, RBM from Pradamano (Udine, Italy) manages to improve an aspect that is very frequently neglected during the operation of a machine tool and of the machine processing: the treatment of metal shavings. It is worth to highlight that the machine tools represents a capital investments for a company. RBM proposes the re-construction of machine tank with generation A-I conveyors, with a pre-filtering drum by side of an IFDR with mid-high pressure delivery system. Thanks to this, the machine tool becomes multi-material and almost multi-function, suitable for machining with any materials such as graphite, copper, steel etc., without risks of pollution of early wearing and collapsing. Particularly, the machining of graphite electrodes requires the use of dedicated machines, often with cumbersome suction of dust, and anyway an early deterioration is unavoidable because of the permanent presence of dust. The solution from RBM, thanks to conveyor+IFDR cleaning system, allows to process even dusty materials, like graphite, without any requirements of a special machine, by machining electrode in humid way like any other materials. The RBM solution is currently in use in prestigious international R&D centres as well as used by a wide number of customers. These systems have the wide advantage of the universal application, being completely independent from machine type and material to be processed. The RBM solution are offered both in standard configuration and customised configuration. This solution guarantees, even when processing different materials, flexibility e continuous productivity of the machine with an efficient and quick return of investment.