Strategic agreement between Fondo Strategico Italiano (FSI) and Shanghai Electric for Ansaldo Energia


agreement-ansaldo-sec_2014Fondo Strategico Italiano (FSI) and Shanghai Electric (SEC) signed a long-term strategic agreement that envisages the acquisition by SEC of 40% of Ansaldo Energia (AEN) and the establishment of two joint ventures between AEN and SEC for manufacturing of gas turbines for Asian markets and the creation of an R&D centre in Shanghai. On December 2013 FSI acquired from Finmeccanica and First Reserve a 85% stake of AEN.

In details, FSI will sell 40% of AEN to SEC for €400 million. At the same time, two joint ventures between AEN and SEC will be formed in China for manufacturing of gas turbines for Asian markets and the creation of an R&D centre in Shanghai: both synergies with the Genoa plant. In addition, the R&D centres of Genoa and Shanghai will launch a cooperation project to develop a new gas turbine technology. The closing of the transaction is expected by the end of the year following approval by government and antitrust authorities.

The strategic partnership with SEC is the largest Italian–Chinese agreement and could represent a major benchmark of economic relations between the two countries. The agreement with SEC will enable AEN to launch the development of a new gas turbine technology and to access Asian markets, that are undergoing strong growth and represent 50% of the world market and expanding rapidly. Moreover, it will enable AEN to obtain new orders, with significant impact on turnover and employment: 20% increase in turnover in the medium-to-long-term period, three or four new units a year in new turbines manufactured in Genoa, 500 new jobs, including positive employment impact on other companies working with AEN and 35 new AEN engineers in 7 years, that represent a boost for Italian R&D.

Besides the strategic agreement FSI-SEC, AEN has signed a partnership with Doosan Heavy Industries of Korea for the further development of AEN technology. AEN will undertake an R&D technology cooperation initiative with the Korean group to develop a new gas turbine for countries with 60 Hz grids (North America, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, South Korea). The project will receive partial financing from the South Korean government. Thanks to the agreement, over the next seven years AEN will establish a presence in 100% of the markets for gas turbines, with major benefits for the Genoa R&D centre with100 new engineers hired, 35 in the first year.

These two agreements lay the foundations for AEN to achieve a global leadership position in the gas turbine industry. FSI will remain the leading shareholder of AEN and confirms its goal of seeking a public listing for AEN in the medium term.