RBM’S fine filtration system finally arrives in England


RBM's fine filtration solutionThe complete, management system of RBM’s coolant has finally arrived at the University of Sheffield!  It is about a new, evolved system which is able to guarantee an average degree of filtration inferior to 5µm, continually.

The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), after having tested and assessed RBM’s fine filtration solution for over 18 months , has now ordered a complete plant for the management of the coolant, which includes: a machine tool tank, an A-I series conveyor with a pre-filtering drum and the IFDR System, which specifically guarantees continuous, fine filtration. It deals with a non-traditional and highly efficient filtration system, which is based on a simple, physical principle that is able to guarantee constant filtration up to 5 µm in time, without presenting a spiky pace, typical of mechanical systems which are bound to get progressively dirty.

RBM’s Friulan plant has just been purchased on behalf of AMRC and will be put to service in the Makino G7 Work Centre, together with the ultra efficient, adjustment VIPER system (Very Impressive Performance Removal), patented by the Rolls Royce. The 5 Axis Work Centre will be working on a wide range of components and materials in the aerospace field. The ambitious objective is to guarantee a very high and constant level of filtration, so as to work with operating pressure up to 120bar, thus guaranteeing high quality, outstanding processing performance and the best quality standards. By embracing the IFDR System, AMRC has also adhered to a different philosophy regarding cutting fluids management: many years of testing have shown the scarce validity of traditional systems! Indeed, the choice of The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre has ensued further examinations and studies on behalf of the same Research Centre, which has underlined the high level of filtration achievable (and maintainable) by means of the IFDR System, especially when in the presence of elevated pressure and there is consequently the need of extremely high, cleaning levels without significant variations in time in order to carry out both quality processing and high performance.