Chemicals for foundries


Thanks to its wide range of products (about 1.000) and the export turnover, tripled over the last 5 years and accounting for 30% of the corporate total turnover, F.lli Mazzon is supplying more than 600 Companies in Italy and abroad, and has expanded and consolidated its presence in more than 30 countries, also thanks to a widespread network of agents and distributors providing qualified local assistance, on-time and reliable deliveries and high product customization.

Foundry products encompass no bake systems (furanic, phenolic, alkyd and polyurethane), cold box and hot box binders, insulating refractory coatings in alcohol and water, additives, glues, releasing agents and many others.F.lli Mazzon adds value to the relationship between its technicians and its Customers, granting a constant improvement of its products according to the industries growing needs, satisfying all their requests in terms of costs, quality and environmental care.

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