Mounted components in high-tech materials


Rubis-Precis_Micropierre_High tech CeramThe french group Rubis-Precis/Micropierre/High tech Ceram has developped during the last past months of this year some new high precision mounted components which are used in new high-tech growing  markets . The main high tech materials machined  are ceramic, sapphire , tungsten , titanium , molybden , tantalum, gold and platinum.

The main markets involved by such assemblies are medicine, aeronautic, space industry, electronics, analysis, scientific machines, laboratories, nuclear, optic industry and military. The assembly technology used is metallising and brazing and in some additionnal case: laser welding , crimping, gluying and press-fitting .

Assemblies in ultra hard materials and metals which  enable to solve many difficult problems such as resistance against wear in difficult environments (military and submarine areas), insulation at  high temperature or high voltage (aeronautic industry), low friction, ultra-vacuum (space), infra red (optic) , resistance against corrosive medias (chemical industry).

Rubis-Precis/Micropierre/High tech Ceram