By Megadyne several solutions for the automotive sector


Fig_01-2-460x233The long experience of Megadyne in the field of power transmissions and the enhanced know-how, deriving from the takeover of Sampla Belting in the handling and transport ambit, has given birth to more and more complete solutions meeting customers’ needs. In particular, to a range of innovative and specific products for the automotive industry.

The study and the research, in collaboration with the primary national and foreign sector manufacturers, coupled with the direct experience in world leader companies for the production of cars and tires, have allowed the company to satisfy the current performance requirements of the used products and to develop new technologies for the future.

In particular, the new lines of conveyor belts Feltcon, Fabcon, Pucon and Pvccon have been designed and implemented for the various machining phases in automotive ambit.

Feltcon conveyor belts stand out for their high resistance to high temperatures, to abrasion and cutting; for this reason, they are widely used for the transport of steel sheets before the painting and pressing stages. Made of felt, they preserve their bearing superficial structure in time, granting precision in cutting and absence of sheet metal damaging during the machining phases.