Nava: presses equipped with both conventional and active lower drawing


Nava pressesThe company Nava (Monza) presents the line of presses equipped with both conventional and active lower blank holder, including the 2MI 1100/500 model, with maximum force of the ram of 11,000 kN, lower blank holder featuring 5,000 kN, third upper action 800 kN, 2500×1800 mm worktables.

Products are devised to satisfy the requirements of deep and very deep drawing for stainless steel tanks, mainly intended for the industrial medical and food sectors, where the quality of the press influences the qualitative profile of the finished product.

F.lli Nava solution permits to carry out pre-drawings to recall the material to be spent in successive process phases: they have developed a lower blank holder able to work both in passive and active way, thus permitting to use a contrast force on the sheet metal equalling the maximum force of the ram, with a reasonable active forming force.

All products belonging to the line are equipped with ram with maximum adjustable force, conveyed by guides with high ratio between guide height and plan sizes. Concerning the profile of the operator interface, utmost attention has been paid to the care of criticality diagnostics aspects, to allow the operator to survey at a glance eventual causes of malfunction (especially incongruent setups of machining parameters or incorrect machine preparation to start the drawing cycle). The press control has been implemented with the addition of graphic pages that illustrate the trends of process values in their evolution while pressing. It is so possible to ascertain the forming cycle evolution, especially in the phases performed with closed die and therefore hardly monitored from the outside.

Lamiera 2017, HALL 13 STAND A56