Wide space for subcontracting and focus on digital enterprise and collaborative robotics


The 2017 edition (at Fiere di Parma from 23rd to 25th March) will further strengthen the ranking of MECSPE as international exhibition of innovation technologies, focusing the attention on those applicative ambits that represent the challenges the manufacturing industry will have to accept in the next future. A sector that, as Deutsche Bank underlined in a recent report, will account for 20% of the GDP within 2020. To reach this target, national economies must review the entire manufacturing model, increasingly orienting it to a lean approach, with optimized and automated processes, to attain a production 4.0. With the project Digital Factory – Oltre l’Automazione ©, which MECSPE will propose again after the success of last editions, it will be possible to see concretely the Italian way to the fourth industrial revolution, through the implementation of integrated demo units that will give birth to a fully digitized manufacturing chain.
The interconnection between factory reality and virtual reality will play an increasingly relevant role for the manufacturing: for this reason, the core of all the special initiatives of the next edition of MECSPE will be the distinguishing elements of the fourth industrial revolution, such as the additive manufacturing, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet and the Cloud Manufacturing, the collaborative robotics and the advanced HMI, to show to Italian companies how the combination of two or more of these technologies can rationalize processes, reducing manufacturing costs and times. MECSPE will dedicate a focus, especially to collaborative robots, i.e. those machines able to operate side by side with man without particular safety devices, because the collaboration between man and robots will be the trend of the next future for industrial robotics. A market that, according to the estimates by the analysts of Barclays Equity Research, will grow exponentially, up to reaching the value of about 3.1 billion dollars in 2020 and 12 billions in 2025, with 700,000 units sold every year. A boom whose protagonists will be also the Italian SME: lean and efficient, easily installable and flexible in their applicative potentialities to various industrial ambits and also able to help human operators in their tasks, freeing them from the most mechanical and exhausting tasks, co-bots will represent, in next years, also for small and medium enterprises, a smart investment to approach the new manufacturing paradigm 4.0. The future of the manufacturing industry, however, cannot leave aside the trend of the subcontracting sector that confirms to be in strong growth: according to Istat, the production of capital goods in the first 2016 semester scores +3.5% compared to the same 2015 period, significantly sharing in maintaining the ‘plus’ sign for the entire industrial sector. During the exhibition, as it already happened last year, broad visibility will be given to the entire sector of the industrial subcontracting and in particular to three specialization areas characterizing the “made in Italy” – Plastic materials and rubber; Mechanics and Electronics – where it will be possible to have a complete survey of the specialized forefront suppliers in these ambits.

So, why MECSPE?
Over six visitors out of ten report a trade fair in strong growth phase concerning the educational offer and useful to know the market novelties, to find new suppliers and to test new products, to the extent that 96.2% confirm to be satisfied with the product offer and would suggest to colleagues and acquaintances to visit it.

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