New Condacut DP 415


CONDAT_Chlorine free Cutting oil_CONDACUT DP 415Due to pending regulations regarding the use of chlorinated paraffins in metalworking fluids, Condat has introduced a high performance, chlorine free cutting oil.

The new Condacut DP 415 uses innovative EP additives with an inactive sulphur-based chemistry. The unique formulation provides positive characteristics for all types of machining applications but was specifically designed for the high performance, screw machining process.
Benefits to the users include:

  •  Chlorine Free Chemistry
    Meets or exceeds all EPA current and pending regulations about chlorinated paraffins
  • Consumption Reduction
    Low viscosity of the Condacut DP 415 reduces consumption and allows better cooling
  • Suitable for all Metals
    Condacut DP 415 is suitable for all metals and will not stain copper alloys.
  • Unique EP Additives
    The blend of EP additives used in the formulation of Condacut DP 415 prevent premature tool wear and provide excellent surface finish.

Condacut in staying attentive to our customer’s needs continues its research and development of products to not only meet the demanding high performance standards required in today’s metalworking industry but also with consideration for the environment and government regulations.

The Condacut DP 415 represents an opportunity for metalworking companies to improve performance, productivity and reduce consumption with an environment friendly product.

Condat products can be used with a variety of metals in industries such as aerospace, automotive and many industrial markets.