Autoform-processdesignerforCATIA software for rapid creation of cad quality die faces


FOTO1_AutoForm-ProcessDesignerAutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA combines expertise in sheet metal forming with the effective design functionalities of CATIA V5. The software allows for the company-wide standardization in process engineering and a significant reduction in time needed to create CAD quality die faces. With AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA users can create the die layout, which includes not only deep drawing, but also all secondary operations, without having to leave the CATIA environment.

The various sketches and construction elements used in CATIA V5 are assembled in a few very powerful features which allow for easy and rapid die face design. AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA is the result of an innovative, unique approach in process design and greatly facilitates daily work in tool design departments globally.