From simulation to finished product

View of Special Springs nitrogen cylinders supplied by Syndal.
View of Special Springs nitrogen cylinders supplied by Syndal.

Specialized in complex big-size dies, the technicians of Nuova Stame extensively use numerous products distributed and marketed by Syndal: a broad range of solutions permitting to satisfy the most different technological and process requirements.

Structured and organized, but at the same time streamlined and flexible: that’s how Nuova Stame approaches the market, company headquartered at Sirtori (LC) able to generate a yearly turnover of 50 million Euros with the manufacturing of dies, thanks to the precious contribution given by 150 employees. Established in 1970 thanks to the entrepreneurial and professional skills of a team of technicians specialized in the design and production of equipment for the cold sheet metal forming, today the company carries out its activity on an overall surface of 44,000 square metres, of which 10,000 covered, where reliability, quality a research of innovative technical solutions represent the keys of the positive outcomes achieved on the market. «We develop a broad range of dies – specifies Alessio Sangalli, purchase office manager – purposely designed and manufactured to satisfy the needs of the prevailing automotive industry, including: drawing, trimming, blanking, bending, forming and multiple operation dies, and finally follow dies». The manufactured dies find applications in the sectors of car bodyworks and components for cars, motorcycles and agricultural machines as well as, even if marginally, in the household appliance ambit. A production where are widely used solutions supplied by Syndal, company specialized in the distribution of normalized components for dies.

Alessio Sangalli, purchasing office manager of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC).
Alessio Sangalli, purchasing office manager of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC).

Cylinders and punches
«It is quite difficult – adds Sangalli – to list what and how many products have been purchased in time from Syndal, in a collaboration relationship that has been lasting for over twenty years by now. I can confirm the current need of frequently turning to Special Springs nitrogen cylinders, to Dayton drilling elements, Omcr normalized and guide components, as well as Effbe polyurethane elements». With a productive capacity that can boast (die spotting) presses of 2,500 t, with worktables up to 3,000 x 6,000 mm, the company is in fact specialized both in the design and development of big-size dies, as well as of small-medium dies but characterized by high complexity. «In these operating ambits – adds Sangalli – we succeed in supplying high added value in terms of technology and know-how gained in many years of experience, thus increasing our competitiveness degree». Concerning this, Sangalli reports two concrete examples of recent implementations where some products purchased from Syndal have been used: the first concerns a dies for Ducato silencing curves; the second a part of bodywork (fender) for a Daimler-Mercedes vehicle. «In the implementation of the die of the Ducato silencer – specifies Sangalli – we have used some Special Springs nitrogen cylinders, mandatory choice for us in terms of total product safety, reliability and quality. Choice anyway directly dictated also by the company still belonging to our holding, which operates then in the piece forming». Concerning safety and reliability, for the Special Springs nitrogen cylinders for dies distributed by Syndal, the Lifeplus Concept has been recently devised and optimized, a concept into which converge various devices purposely conceived and developed. We are speaking of devices studied by the manufacturer through an intense R&D activity and continuous innovation, as well as through the use of cutting-edge technologies and systems of constant analyses, controls and assessments, in full compliance with the regulations in force. All that aimed at assuring higher product quality, long service life, reliability and, exactly, safety. In this context it is also worth underlining that for over two years the safety of gas cylinders for dies has been representing an important issue at which is working also the Bak-VDI commission of the German association of car manufacturers. Work team that aims at making compulsory the use of only gas cylinders equipped with active safety devices. «The technical office’s choice – goes on Sangalli – is also facilitated by the availability of a wide range of Special Springs solutions among which it is possible to identify the best according to precise technical specifications». In this particular application, the nitrogen cylinder used belongs to the RV series, as evolution of the original line of HR cylinders with minimum height and boosted forces, provided with Osas device (over stroke active safety) and Opas (over pressure active safety) as standard. «For the Daimler die – explains Sangalli – we have instead used Dayton punches, they too characterized by high quality and as high reliability, even featuring at the same time a very interesting price indeed». It is worth pointing out, concerning this, the product quality and the extensive research in the choice of cutting-edge innovative materials, carried out by Dayton itself with huge investments lavished in hot-forming ambit. «Without forgetting – further adds Sangalli – the possibility of obtaining also special shapes upon design and how the same, when requested, can be delivered to us in really short times».

View of a big-size die at the productive unit of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC).
View of a big-size die at the productive unit of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC).

Product and service quality
Technical competence, prompt responses, competitive prices and product quality. These are the requisites that Nuova Stame requires to Syndal; the same that then the Lecco company can in its turn offer and transfer to its customers in terms of service. A synergy of intents that is also extended to the other supplied solutions, including for instance Effbe springs for dies, for years synonym of quality and with important aspects characterizing their peculiarities, such as: long service life, well defined elasticity characteristics even after a long use, resistance to oils and to friction and high resistance to elongation tearing. Nevertheless, the most advantageous aspects that they reveal in comparison with steel springs are the tenacity and the minimum damping (then high returning action). «I would like to underline – ends Sangalli – also the great technical support always provided by Syndal with the supply of Omcr products, that’s to say normalized and guide elements». Still Syndal, through its subsidiary Tecnomatic, has also recently supplied to Pcm, company belonging to Nuova Stame holding, a press automation system. This demonstrating its specialization also in terms of service and direct product in the production of automation systems for presses characterized by absolutely innovative concepts.

Giorgio Fumagalli, President of the Board of Directors of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC).
Giorgio Fumagalli, President of the Board of Directors of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC).

Nuova Stame, a holding employing 700 people for a turnover exceeding 250million euros
Nuova Stame belongs to a group of advanced companies controlled by a holding whose shareholders are all committed in various roles in the companies. Realities operating in various sectors: from the cold sheet metal forming to die casting and plastic machining. «A holding – specifies Giorgio Fumagalli, President of the Board of Directors of Nuova Stame at Sirtori (LC) – sole shareholder of the various enterprises, in which take part all operational councillors». Today are 59 the shareholders of the holding, which controls 16 enterprises, the majority of which active in the Lecco area and three in Central Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Germany, for a total of about 700 employees, with a turnover that also in 2013 surpassed 250 million Euros. «The companies of the Group – adds Fumagalli – stand out not only for the innovative technical solutions and for the product quality but also for the flexibility, timeliness and reliability in the relationships with their customers. Clients with which over the time is established a relationship of reliability and confidence. Approach that has allowed Nuova Stame and the whole Group to be able to react also in these difficult years». Concerning this, almost in countertendency with the market, Nuova Stame has made huge investments in the last five years, widening it operational area with a new press department, purchasing a new washing plant and a new laser cutting machine. A targeted growth to look at the future with higher farsightedness and productive capacity.