High-impact cutting fluid to closure system specialist Corvaglia supplied by Henkel


Henkel has supplied to Swiss closure system specialist Corvaglia an innovative high-impact cutting fluid from  that reduces the necessary bath make-up and top-up concentrations while offering considerably longer bath lifetimes in the production of its platens for injection molds. At the same time, the optimized, formaldehyde-free formulation results in a low-foam and low-odor emulsion.

Together with licensees, partner companies and vertically integrated1 beverage bottlers, some 80 billion Corvaglia closures are injection-molded each year. In this gigantic market, Corvaglia Mould AG, based since 2007 in Eschlikon, Switzerland, produces roughly 3,000 cavities each year, distributed over platens for 4 to 96 molds.

Over a period of 25 years, the company and its two closure-producing sister organizations have established themselves as the world’s leading specialists in beverage bottle closures. Many closure designs are developed for big-name customers or have asserted themselves as quasi-standard in the market. Since the company’s founding, the focus has been on weight- and assembly-saving one-component closures on which both the shell and inner seal are injection-molded in HDPE in a single process step.

In both business areas – closures and molds – Corvaglia is constantly investing in new equipment and machines. For further development and validation of mold and cap technology, a comprehensively equipped design and test center was opened at the Eschlikon location in 2010.

“Corvaglia is alone in having a fully integrated process chain from the all-encompassing, efficient closure concept through to 24/7 cap production,” stresses Daniel Bürgi, responsible for milling technologies at Corvaglia Mould. “We aspire to be the top address for progressive closure cap solutions and this is why we seek support from the best-qualified suppliers.”