From assembling to shipment every 71 seconds


Cassioli Group can boast leader companies on a world scale, in various sectors, among its customers. In the automotive industry stands out the brand Lear Corporation, the major producer in the world of car seats, for which, among others, they have recently implemented a factory for assembling lines equipped with all relative handling and shipment systems.

Cassioli Group is specialized in the supply of plant engineering solutions for the automated handling and the industrial automation. Renowned for its products with high technological content and the development of “turn-key” solutions, the Group has supplied Lear Corporation, reference world partner for the supply of car seats, with the new factory at Redditch (UK) where they manufacture up to 1,200 jobs a day (job stands for the set of front/rear seats), with a performance providing for a job every 71 seconds.

«The factory – explains Vincenzo Campanella, marketing manager of Cassioli Group – includes the assembling lines equipped with all the relative handling and shipment system».

Target of the supply was installing two new assembling lines for the production of car seats (front and rear lines) and an automatic shipment system to manage and to load on trailers the products to be delivered to final customers. More in detail, the assembling line for front seats consists of: a double transport level chain provided with two pneumatic lifts for the automatic return of void plates to the lower level; a test and repair area with 9 stations for electric tests, 3 stations for Delphi tests and 3 for repair (with relative entry to the re-machining stations and exit for loading on truck); a control panel with HMI devices to manage the entire line.

«Similar to the line for front seats – adds Mr Campanella – also the one for rear seats can boast – in addition to the control panel with HMI devices to manage the entire line – also a dual transport level and two pneumatic lifts. The test and repair area provides instead for 5 stations for electric tests and 2 for repair. In this case, too, with relative entry to re-machining stations and output for loading on trucks».

The automated shipment system is more articulated, starting from the mezzanine intended for hosting the management of superimpositions. This is subdivided into two main lanes, the one of front seats and the one of rear seats. Conveyors have 3 levels: the upper level is for seats that move from assembling lines to shipment trailers, the intermediate level and the lower one are arranged for the return of empty pallets.

«Shipment lines – ends Mr Campanella – include then also 8 lifts to connect the conveyors on the ground floor with those on the mezzanine, 2 re-sequencing shuttles on each floor that transport repaired seats and 2 specular warehouses to stock up the already sequenced seats».

Finally, in addition, 2 lines of empty stacked pallets positioned at the head of warehouses acting as feeding devices and a simulated hosting system for already sequenced seats ready for loading on trailer. In this case as well, the presence of 2 control panels with HMI devices allows managing the entire system.