High-performance milling machine range from EMCO MECOF


Dynamill_layer_korrEMCO MECOF team presents the high-performance milling machine range from XXL to S. A highlight of the MECOF equipment is the innovative modular-construction Dynamill portal milling machine. It demonstrates its strengths in tool and die manufacturing, model and mould manufacturing operations and has proven itself in, amongst other things, high-volume steel, aluminium and Ureol processing.

High speed plus high accuracy – this concept has characterized the MECOF machines for decades. After a relaunch, the Dynamill will continue this trend. The travel in the X-axis starts at 4,500 mm, in the Z-axis it ranges up to 2,500 mm and in the transverse (Y) axis up to 4,000 mm. The robust and modular machine design with many variants and options allows a detailed focus on individual customer requirements.

The feed and axis traverse speed on all linear axes is 40 m/min with a positioning accuracy considerably better than the specifications of VDI/DGQ 3441. The machine achieves the high acceleration of 2.5 m/s² in the linear axes due to a backlash-free pinion/rack drive. This is of great importance for the reverse operation required in tool and mould manufacturing.   DYNAMILL-DXpsd

Core components, such as the spindle heads, are traditionally developed, manufactured and assembled by MECOF itself. Here too there is a range of Dynamill versions for customers to choose:  fully automatic milling head change systems, mechanical universal milling heads up to 1,200 Nm and 6,000 min-1 , electric spindle units as universal and fork heads up to 120 Nm and 30,000 min-1 .

In conjunction with the 5-axis milling head, users’ processing results can spare them reworking or reduce it to a minimum. Due to the high mobility of the C-axis of +/- 185° and the A-axis of +/- 110°, the user can always make optimal use of the tool according to the respective milling strategy.

The automatic spindle head changer system allows him to change to the optimum spindle heads for roughing and finishing operations. A position in the spindle head remains available for a third spindle head. The loading area is located outside the processing area and safely protected from coolant and swarfs. To protect the separation point of the spindle heads against harmful influences in industrial environments, the spindle head rest is also automatically covered.

page 4 photo 3A key success factor for the accuracy of the equipment is the temperature stability. MECOF has developed a sophisticated, internal machine temperature control using a controlled cooling process for all media and machine construction groups such as axis drives (partially water cooled) and milling head units with a closed cooling circuit.

Additional devices such as an internal coolant supply, oil-air cooling systems, tool changing systems with up to 20, 40, 64 or 96 storage places, feed force monitoring, various measurement sensors, video monitoring of the processing, compressed air operated guide rail cover, extractors or equipment for remote diagnosis are interesting options that help to exploit the potential of the Dynamill even better.