Technology trend

Improvement of forming processes


FIG.AThe automotive industry constantly works both to decrease costs and to reduce the vehicle mass and, consequently, the sheet metal parts are becoming increasingly complex. This complexity derives from the choice of high-strength materials, with the reduction of the number of components and the minimization of the quantity of forming operations. The design of a suitable forming process for a formed part is a complex matter. Several boundary conditions must be satisfied and lots of remarks must be done to reach a successful solution. The elimination of possible wrinkles and cracks that can be generated very often needs some countermeasures and, in the majority of cases, it is an iterative and subjective process. AutoForm Engineering has so developed a methodology in which forming problems are automatically surveyed, in conformity with all the most important quality criteria, and allowing the automatic monitoring of engineering progresses. A study carried out by German researchers introduces a systematic approach that reduces the number of cycles in the effective design of a forming process and permits the aerodynamic assessment of the various simulations to determine the most influent parameters to generate the best solution.