The servo technology is on duty


aperura grandeTo keep its competitiveness level always high, oti presse has integrated its product offer with a new series of efficient servopresses able to suit all pressing needs, from coining to blanking and deep drawing.

Established as toolshop for the implementation of mechanical parts in general, in the early Sixties Oti Presse starts the production of eccentric presses, thus manufacturing the first  frontal models. Since then it has been faithful to its bent oriented towards a flexible and dynamic operational approach; a growth course that has decreed a consolidation both in
national and international ambit in time. «This work methodology – specifies the owner  Lino Locatelli – coupled with a constant and continuous commitment to keep the product qualitative standard high, has allowed our company to offer also an adequate after sale service, highlighted by the positive outcomes received from our customers over the
years». In this context, the Oti Presse brand has constantly widened its range of action both in the Italian market and in foreign ones, reaching, besides Europe, also complex and competitive markets like Turkey, Korea, Kazakhstan and Mexico, where numerous manufacturing realities have required sheet metal forming, blanking, coining and drawing
presses. New international frontiers that are further qualifying the company, headquartered close to the technological pole at Desio (MB), in a strategic and dynamic zone of Brianza.

Thanks to the know-how and the experience gained, today Oti Presse can offer double-column machines integrated into

Depending on the model and on the requisites, the new presses by Oti Presse are driven by one or more torque motors driven by one or more torque motors
Depending on the model and on the requisites, the new presses by Oti Presse are
driven by one or more torque motors
driven by one or more torque motors

automated lines, which can operate in the most different sectors of the sheet metal forming (from automotive to household appliances, metal packaging and so on). «Mechanical presses – adds Locatelli – with or without system
deceleration to BDC, with one, two or four thrust points, fixed or adjustable stroke, all provided with forming, coining, blanking and drawing function». They are then completed by machines manufactured for specific productions, designed, developed and implemented according to precise requisites, in order to meet all distinguishing aspects
and to grant utmost efficiency in terms of productivity: tonnage, eccentric stroke, cycles per
minute, sizes of worktables, unloading devices and passages for piece conveyance, sizing and particular overall dimensions. A detailed offer, recently widened by the introduction of a new series of presses based on servo technology. «In compliance with the preservation of an always high competitiveness level in a more and more complex market – specifies
Locatelli – the introduction of this technology into the range of presses that we produce has become necessary, especially due to the great flexibility that it provides». Thanks to its design and implementation, the servo press can suit all forming requirements, from coining to blanking and up to deep drawing. «We can state – adds Locatelli – that the servo-press
encompasses in a single machine the function of several press types, with standard eccentric, presses with link drive, with possibility of varying at will the slowing down curve up to attaining the hydraulic press effect».


Designed in standard version with nominal thrust from a minimum of 1,000 up to a maximum of 8,000 kN, the new servo-presses proposed by Oti Presse, as guarantee of absolute solidity, can boast a structure and a slide made of electrowelded steel plates, afterwards subjected to heat treatment to annul possible residual stresses in materials. The sturdy monobloc frame, coupled with the particular design, assures the perfect sliding of the slide, reducing the elastic factor values and granting long service life. Depending on the model and on requisites, the presses are driven by one or more torque motors (the
correlated necessary torque and the slide stroke determine the necessary number of motors) able to transfer benefits and advantages such as: increment of the pressing force at the minimal stroke per minute strokes; instantaneous release of the highest energy; energetic optimization of the slide motion; use of the regenerative electrical power.

«Motors – explains Locatelli – are positioned and mounted on a toothed wheel while eccentric shafts transform everything into a counter-action; in this way the mechanical motion is well balanced, with the added value of the automatic variation of the stroke carried out through the pendulum motion function». The hydraulic brake, the double solenoid valve, the two-hand control, the loading monitor and the protection from the electric overload are instead the main safety devices adopted.


Thanks to its design and implementation, the new Oti Presse servo-press can suit all forming requirements, from coining to blanking and up to deep drawing.
Thanks to its design and implementation, the new Oti Presse servo-press can suit
all forming requirements, from coining to blanking and up to deep drawing.

The new servo-presses by Oti Presse are equipped with six predefined speed profiles that can be optimized and modified according to the specific piece under machining. That adaptation is performed by the operator through the comfortable and simple control panel, by means of the modification of some parameters to generate the new motion curve of the slide. The software will then calculate in few seconds the motion of the slide itself, adapting the necessary power and energy values. This means the possibility of relying on the utmost flexibility, that is to say a potentially unlimited number of variable and
programmable strokes, highest adaptability of the curve, of the stroke and of the speeds that best satisfy each single die and/or single productive process. Productive flexibility that has characterized the production of the Desio (MB) company for a long time, too, designing and manufacturing presses like the one proposed here, implemented with specific peculiarities dictated by the needs of each single customer. «The servo technology – comments and ends Lino Locatelli – coupled with the product customization, can offer high flexibility and more productivity. In this context, today the market asks the
subcontractors working in the pressing sector a more and more differentiated production, consisting of small batches. For this reason, too, we expect that the demand of servo presses increases in the next future ».