Innovation at the service of metalworking


Selema represents not only a simple producer of special plants and equipment but also a high added value engineering company for the technology, the flexibility and the versatility of its solutions

Fig_03Headquartered at Giussano (MB), Selema was established as engineering company specialized in the manufacturing of industrial plants and special equipment that process and treat flat-rolled coiled metals, as well as of slab and plate machining systems. Thanks to the teachings and the farsighted management of its founder and owner, Mr Serafino Cozzi, to the acquired know-how, the experience gained and the sharing of customers’ problems, today the enterprise can boast a wide range of customized solutions, purposely studied to increase the productivity.

Antonio Perego, sales manager of Selema.

«Among the main developed products – specifies the sales manager, Mr Antonio Perego –we can highlight: tension levelling lines, equipped with the innovative Proflexroll® system, degreasing and pre-treatment lines that stand out for their capability of treating even very subtle thicknesses and the high process ecology, as well as painting lines that share in reducing the environmental impact and, at the same time, operational costs. Besides, it is worth pointing out slitting and cut-to-length lines and slab scalping machines».

As important the special equipment, studied in the slightest details to be integrated also into existing plants, in order to optimize and to improve their performances (tension-levelling machines, edge trimming units, roll oiling units, embossing machines and stitching machines). Solutions characterized by high technological innovation, company’s constant beating heart.

«It is in fact the evolution – adds Perego – together with growth and discovery, the driving engine that daily spurs genius and gives birth to new projects. Without this boost, today our company would resemble several other realities while it is necessary to carry out R&D activities constantly, then to translate them into technologically innovative and competitive solutions». Complex feasibility studies result then in pilot projects that represent the feather in the cap of Selema technology in the world. This means from the complete plant to the single component or the special equipment. For those reasons at Selema the product is the result of a course travelled together with customers, to reach a single winning target. Customers that, thanks to the company’s strong international bent, come from all over the world.

Slt Slitting Line.
Slt Slitting Line.

«In order to meet the Asian market’s demand growth – explains Perego – and guessing its development potentialities, we have established a joint-venture with a local supplier, establishing the Jiangsu Yawei-Selema Coil Line Processing Co., Ltd, The joint venture established in 2002 has more and more consolidated over the years and today it constitutes an added value for the manufacturing of some parts of the lines intended for the Chinese market, and not only».

Strongly believing that no innovation might exist without a strong tradition, in this way the company succeeds skilfully in matching and merging these two worlds perfectly. «This merging just gives birth – ends Perego – to the new alkaline degreasing line for aluminium foils, unique in the world. A datum “surface tension >60 Dyne” is sufficient for sector players to understand what they are dealing with».

Ltsg-Klf is a unique line in the high-performance sector, designed and implemented to treat the aluminium foil with an alkaline degreasing process. This new process, patented, unlike the current degreasing systems in furnace, grants an excellent result and shows some peculiarities in the structural composition and in processes, which enhance its value and productive competitiveness.