We can build a dream


by Stefano Colletta
stefano.colletta@tecniche nuove.com

Sometimes we consider dreams as a mere night activity, or we think that they must remain as such forever. Dreams are ideas that, generally, remain imprisoned in our mind. The more, however, we permit that our ideas and our dreams remain at the mercy of daily events, the more we undertake an arid, monotonous and voiceless path. Dreaming and chasing our dreams allow instead each of us to fulfil our ideas, sometimes the foundations on which our life rests and our existence is organized. And there is a single Country in the world where people live chasing their dreams, and this Country is Italy, Country of poets, saints, sailors and dreamers. And when the dream enters the factory, it becomes something to model, to chisel, to build with passion, with commitment, care and pleasure. This is what is behind our fine, excellently accomplished “Made in Italy”. The dream of a Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini car, of an aircraft, of a plant or of high fashion dress, implemented by the skilful hands of our designers, workers and artisans. In the factories of the Made in Italy, we sketch dreams and we sew ideas. All that, however, would not be possible if there was not a metalworking chain composed by companies accustomed to work at the product customization with excellent quality and precision levels. Producers, suppliers and subcontractors have learned how to suit this principle. Machine tool manufacturers, for instance, must take into account concepts like the technological level, the creativity, the quality, the precision, the reliability and the flexibility in customization if they want to share, with their contribution, in building the Italian dream. Status products, inimitable because inimitable is the passion, real driving engine of these excellences. But, to support so many fine words, let us report some figures. In the first quarter of 2015, we sold in the world Italian excellence products for a value of 25.8 billion Euros, with the 4.1% rise compared to 2014. 2.4 billions of Italian engineering towards USA, that is to say +19.9% compared to 2013. Italian regions that scored + 31.8% of export. Regions like Piedmont + 5.5%, Emilia Romagna, second region by quantity of exported goods, are two of the bearing columns of our entrepreneurial fabric. In Italy, we do not give up dreams, we fulfil them.
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