The secret of the success is a global vision


Vimacchine and BremboThe collaboration between ViMacchine and Brembo has achieved the remarkable number of 450 machines installed, including 114 in the only plant in Homer, Michigan, delivered and put into operation in less than six months from order.

The trademarks represented by ViMacchine, Vicenza company, are currently a good 13 and, through them, the company expects to cover the vast majority of the strategic segments of the manufacturing production. They are Hyundai Wia, Dah Lih, Hedelius, Schuster, Fuji, Unisign, Hankook, Enshu, Licon Mt, Akoda, Aba-Elb and Frog. They are then completed by the controlled Proteo and the internal division ViMacchine Automazione. In 2010, it starts instead the collaboration with one of the outstanding trademarks of the engineering made in Italy in the world. We are referring to Brembo, headquarters and origin in the outskirts of Bergamo, presently ranking among the undisputed leaders in the sector of braking systems on a world scale, with a turnover of over 1.5 billion Euros in 2013 and more than 7,700 employees in all. Still the Triveneto dealer accompanied Alberto Bombassei’s creature in its United States adventure, providing for the necessary machinery to widen the Homer pole, Michigan, in May 2014. With Hyundai Wia – an authentic power with the yearly capacity of 11,000 machines in 2013 – as privileged partner, ViMacchine aims anyway at representing an interlocutor relying on a selected offer able to satisfy a wide range of requirements. For this reason, in the course of some recent events, it intended to underline its nature of One Global Supplier.

A versatile supplier for complex requirements
«We have created this slogan», the general manager of ViMacchine Giampaolo Santin recently said in the course of an event dedicated to the press, «and we have set up our vision with the mark One Global Supplier, which is a strong point for us because in Italy there are not many competitors able to manage a relationship with highly globalized multinational customers. And therefore to supply machines and systems that are sold in Italy or anyway distributed by Italian companies but then almost always implemented, designed and manufactured in our Country». Moreover: «There are certainly also productions that are purchased abroad», added then Santin, «and especially in some nations that are deemed more competitive, and then installed almost everywhere in the world, according to the specific places where customers have decided to delocalize their productions. In this case», explained the general manager «we start from the design to pass to the process engineering, then we find the right solution for the component or the parts to be machined, we select the machines that we consider more suitable, we turn from the machine situation to automation. This means being able to grant the satisfaction of several needs to end users». In some situations it is requested the accomplishment of a full system, «which in many cases can be turnkey», explained Santin, while «in as many circumstances ViMacchine is requested to supply machinery and automation», where «the customer takes care of equipment and tools. Because the company’s heritage it its know-how and this implies different decisions according to the needs, to attain finally deliveries that range from the installation of plants up to simple machines, in several parts of the world».

A relationship that boosts growth and competitiveness
The relationship with Brembo becomes then exemplary, under many respects, of the potentialities and of the specific features of Vicenza distributor’s activity, also due to the typical complexity of its job orders. «We have to demonstrate that we are competitive in States like China or Brazil», said Gianpaolo Santin, «as well as naturally in Italy, in Poland or any other locality. There is no doubt that it is an important and highly committing activity, which is anyway bringing some concrete results to ViMacchine. In other words, we intended to undertake with Brembo a course that today we can undoubtedly judge very positively. Brembo has allowed us to grow. In almost five years we have reached a really huge number of installed machines as well as of automations». Once recorded the general manager’s considerations, Alberto Moro, operation manager of the Brake Disc Division of Brembo was asked to highlight the strong points of the cooperation with the Vicenza distributor. «Our need consisted in standardizing productions to be faster in moving people, in transferring competences, in displacing machines from one territory to the other. We had anyway gained various experiences», further added Moro, «that had led and taught us to operate in flexible way. At that time, we met with ViMacchine that had proposed its activity as global partner able to supply the same type of solution and the same type of service worldwide. This adventure started just in the light of such elements». For both companies an important commitment was represented by China where today Brembo can boast a factory that counts 20-22 production lines fully managed by Hyundai machines. The successive great challenge concerned United States. «All new initiatives, like those carried out in Brazil, Poland Argentina and still other States», said Moro, «have started with the same machines and this has allowed us to enjoy some notable strong points in comparison with competitors, provided also by the speed in the arrangement of lines, because it is very easy to transfer know-how from one place to the other. In North America, it was necessary the installation of a good seven lines in five months, which competitors were not able to do. We could accomplish the operation because it was already a standard for us, which did not need long study times but could instead be fulfilled rapidly with the same service level existing in the other Countries. Besides, it is worth reminding that the setup of about fifty machines was under discussion at that time, to be installed in less than six months».

A tricolour agreement
The agreement between the two tricolour brands, Vimacchine and Brembo, has at first resulted in the supply by Vimacchine of the necessary technologies for the starting up of the productions by Brembo plant at Nanjing in the Popular Republic of China. Since then, the alliance has been uninterruptedly boosted. Today 450 machines have been delivered and installed by Vimacchine at the factories of Brembo Disc Division in the four corners of the planet: from the already mentioned China to Brazil, to Mexico, Argentina and to the European Poland and Italy. Still the Triveneto dealer accompanied Alberto Bombassei’s creature in its United States adventure, providing for the necessary machinery to widen the Homer pole, Michigan, in May 2014.

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