The German technology boosts the made in Italy


Almec succeeds in widening its offer range and in competing on global markets, also thanks to a strategic partnership started with Bosch Rexroth.

The hydraulic cylinder for vertical casting of non-ferrous materials, until the Nineties, had not been applied because the technology state of the art was not sufficiently evolved, yet.
Thanks to the participation, the direct collaboration and the consultation among the technicians of Almec, which is headquartered in Rovereto, in Trento province, and Bosch Rexroth, we have witnessed an evolution in the application of these hydraulic cylinders in the aluminium casting system: a turning point for aluminium foundries that use the vertical semi-continuous casting system. Besides, in Italy, over the last few years, we have registered a market decrease in the aluminium sector and, more in general, in the iron and steel industry and, taking part in sector exhibitions, we have noticed the European market’s strong interest in the application technology and in the performance level of products.

Almec operates inside a global market competing with manufacturers of aluminium casting machines coming from all over the world. This can be in fact defined a niche market where the technical competence and the flexibility offered to satisfy customers’ requirements become the fundamental, or even the vital and differentiating, elements.

Two are the sectors where Almec operates, that is to say the sector of vertical aluminium casting machines and the ambit of the supplies and the industrial constructions regarding hydraulics, and pneumatics. Concerning the first, the mission is then the manufacturing of customized machines, designed according to customers’ real needs: we start from a standard idea and we afterwards enrich it according to end users’ needs. Flexibility is then deemed an essential driver. The machine is constituted by machining operations performed inside the Trento factory of Almec. Regarding automation, we find the hydraulic cylinder by Bosch Rexroth. As far as the second sector is concerned, the focus is on the design and production of hydraulic power plants with capacity oscillating from a minimum of 1,000 litres up to a maximum of 3,000 in collaboration with Bosch Rexroth, which completely takes care of designs together with Almec technicians.