A qualified partner for the supply of elastic components


Operational flexibility and prompt reply to satisfy the most different demands coming not only from the prevailing automotive industry but also from the electromechanical, electronic, aeronautical and medical world. Mollificio Lombardo faces then new market challenges with a productive capacity that can reach even millions of yearly units.


Specialized in the production of elastic components, Mollificio Lombardo has always identified product quality, operational flexibility and prompt reply to the market as its distinguishing traits. Determinant elements that have shared, in over 80 years of activity (precisely this year falls the 85th since the establishment), in transforming a small workshop into a more and more structured reality. A family company, characterized by a strong managerial character, coordinated and managed by Emilio Longoni, Managing Director and General Manager, and by ever-growing international bent. «Today – outlines Longoni – over 35% of our turnover crosses the national borders. A percentage value that will grow further essentially for two reasons. The first concerns the fact that several of our customers have delocalized abroad their production lines. The second involves instead us more directly with our production pole situated in Brazil, in Parana, operating at full rate for about one year now».


The added-value of human resources and product quality

«As important – adds Longoni – are human resources. People who daily contribute in the achievement of our results». Concerning this, the company schedules about 4% of total working hours for training, generating a positive involvement and a direct participation in corporate targets. Skilled personnel and manufacturing performances that allow Mollificio Lombardo to satisfy the most various demands subjected by the market. «Requests – adds Longoni – that can concern smaller batches of 500-600 units up to lots composed by even millions of pieces yearly».

The product quality is anyway discriminant for all supply types, differentiating element that has permitted and permits the company to stand out on the market, in national and, as already underlined, in more and more international ambit. «The quality of our products – highlights and ends Longoni – has been granted since 1996 by the compliance and the conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001 regulations. In 2008, we reached the target of the certification for the automotive sector according to the ISO TS 16949 regulation. It is instead under study the attainment of the environmental certification ISO 14000 and of the certification ISO 9100 for the aeronautical industry».


Emilio Longoni, Managing Director and General Manager of Mollificio Lombardo