Export trends

Machinery key sector for Italian exports in US


export-italiano-usaMachinery and automotive are some of the most popular sectors for Italian export sales in the United States, with prospects for growth even in 2014. The United States represents the first Italian market outside the EU, the third client for our country, with 27 billion euros of Italian goods purchased in 2013. US absorbs the 6.9% of our exports and guarantees to the Italian trade balance a surplus of more than 15 billion.

Mechanics is a key sector for made in Italy in the United States. The first marks sold in US are machineries (5,3 billion euros), means of transports (2,5 billions euros) and vehicles (2,2 billion euros). Italian factories are strong in metal forming, dosing and packaging, special applications and mine. Italian companies interested in developing business in US have to follow some guidelines as found a society or joint with other firms that share the same goals to split costs in a network organization.

According to the Italian export credit agency Sace, thanks to the increased confidence of American consumers who will return to feed the domestic demand, the United States could increase the performances of Italian export sales: good results are expected in the main sectors of made in Italy, as consumer goods (+8.3%).