Knowledge transfusion

Giuseppe Nardella, Editorial Director of Tecniche Nuove
Giuseppe Nardella, Editorial Director of Tecniche Nuove

The two poles of a technical review are the need of providing updated information, unique possible guideline to reach real quality, and the concreteness requirement. The knowledge of what is around the two poles was useful to the review “LAMIERA” not only as competitiveness domain instrument, but also as justification of the investments lavished by the editor to maintain that mastery over the years. All men by nature desire knowing, said Aristotle; well, after fifty years the knowledge spread by “LAMIERA” has become a heritage to be shared among all the departments of a company that produces sheet metal objects. A knowledge transfusion to be analysed, processed and organized. In the Sixties there was the “economic miracle”; lots of people say that the “miracle” consisted in working 8-10 hours, standing; they are the years of epochal choices; they are the years in which Tecniche Nuove seized the changes, understood that information is a landing place where to cast the anchors to be competitive. One of these dockings is the historical review “LAMIERA”, still leader in the sector of forming machines and plants. Several years later come the books “Manuale Di Lavorazione Della Lamiera” (Sheet Metal Working Manual) and “Manuale Dello Stampista” (Die Maker Manual), to take care of the evolution of specific technologies also from the educational point of view. Today, to be competitive, it is necessary to widen knowledge, competence in things, people and technologies; “LAMIERA” has always been a test to study the market and to deduce its trends and requirements; therefore, for the next fifty years, you can still expect pages giving new sensations and new knowledge. In other words, the review is constant experience in production systems, in CAD/CAM and neighbouring issues, in the necessary mechanisms to built a future rich in successes. “LAMIERA” witnesses an extraordinary period of industrial revolutions, tells about men and what they express and produce with sheet metal, dies and presses. In other words: the machine is the invention of a future product; therefore, each issue of “LAMIERA” that will be published is the projection into the future through human knowledge, that’s to say knowledge. Bill Gates has invented the future with his operating system; he has brought up customers and he has educated them. “LAMIERA” has invented the future of the forming machining, it is an “operating system”: subscribe, and it will put at your disposal the procedures to implement your ideas. Yes, because in half century the review has proved to know its business and, in mechanics, it is really important to handle it, because mechanics itself is subject of research in its various implications. The man/machine relationship is fundamental and “LAMIERA” enlivens this relationship. Therefore “LAMIERA”, like all reviews by Tecniche Nuove and all side activities (books, exhibitions, conventions, courses and much more), “has the right qualities” of the true global information, meant as free circulation of thought (and therefore of knowledge).