Stratasys to highlight 3D printed composite tooling


The leading additive manufacturing and 3D printing solutions provider, Stratasys, demonstrate 3D printing’s capability to produce high-temperature composite tooling cost-effectively and in a fraction of the time of traditional manufacturing methods. The company also unveils its newly-launched F370 3D Printer in Europe.

The company’s 3D printing technology is already being deployed across a range of industry sectors, including aerospace and automotive, where manufacturers are enjoying reductions in cost and time of between 75% to 90% in the production of key tooling, such as molds and mandrels. These durable, yet lightweight items are used in a host of application areas, including commercial aircraft structures, as well as parts for satellites, UAVs and other vehicles.

“Whether the application requires reusable layup mold tooling or sacrificial tooling for complex, trapped-tool geometries, our 3D printing technologies simplify the fabrication of composite parts while providing unparalleled design freedom,” says Tim Schniepp, Head of Tooling Solutions at Stratasys. “We look forward to discussing the benefits of our solutions for the specific applications of JEC visitors and explaining exactly how high temperature, cost effective tools can be produced in days, compared to the weeks or even months required for traditional tooling.”