Hairpin technology at the service of drive motors for electric cars


Fig_01-4-460x306The constant and unceasing growth of the market of the new electric cars, ecologic and silent vehicles with low consumptions, needs a constant development of drive motors. The core of these electric motors is composed by a fixed part, called stator, wound by copper wires, which generate a magnetic field that sets the rotor in rotation, thus producing the electromotive force that moves the car. The stator represents therefore a structural and functional element of absolute importance in the motor operation. An element whose production requires more and more complex and accurate assembling processes, to be carried out with very high control and precision levels.

In this context ATOP represents a reference partner for all companies needing to implement electric motors in the main application fields: drive, automotive, small and big appliances, electric tools and industrial applications. Thanks to its know-how, gained in over forty years of experience, ATOP can design and manufacture, according to the most different operational needs, winding machines with technology of flyer winding, horizontal and vertical needle, with single and multiple stations, winding of single poles, hairpin creation and insertion.

From the stand-alone machine to the complete automatic line

The recent introduction of electric drive motors formed with hairpin technology has induced ATOP itself to invest huge resources in a research and development programme for automated machines intended for the production of this motor typology. Thanks to the know-how consolidated in the manufacturing of special machines, the Tuscan company has reached outstanding results in relatively short times, attaining the design and of innovative machines and automated lines for the assembling of hairpin motors, becoming a steady point for the market.