Comau Racer3 robot wins Product of the Year 2015 in Poland


Tobias Daniel with Comau Poland team at the ceremony copyThe Product of the Year title in the Industrial Robots has beeen awarded to Comau’s clever Racer3 robot at the 13th edition of the Control Engineering Poland-organised award ceremony, which recognises the best technology and innovations of the last year.

The award, presented during the 4.0 Industry Conference held in Warsaw, was preceded by two voting phases for a total duration of six months. In the first phase, registered products were screened by a jury whose members were representing universities, technical institutes, media and industry professionals. The product selection was then made available to Control Engineering’s readers, the majority of whom voted for Racer3.

Comau’s Racer3 is the latest robot presented to the market and, deservedly, represents a new paradigm in the company’s rich technological offering. Built entirely in aluminium and magnesium, Racer3 weighs just 30 kg, and features a maximum reach of 630 mm and payload of 3 kg. Thanks to its compact size and extreme velocity, the robot is perfect for applications such as assembly, material handling, machine tending, dispensing, pick and place, etc., which require maximum precision and velocity in small work spaces.