Comau manifacturing site as Italian excellence


Shai-Piron-comauThe Israeli Minister of Education Shai Piron visited the Comau Grugliasco plant on 19 June to see an Italian excellence. Shai Piron’s visit to the manufacturing site of Comau is on the schedule drawn up with Stefania Giannini, Minister of Education, University and Research, aimed at presenting an example of the Italian system of education, technical and professional training. The city of Turin was selected for the specific purpose of highlighting forms of excellence in the supply chain of mechanical engineering and mechatronics.

The representatives of the Israeli government have embarked on this series of visits because they are in the process of reorganizing their secondary school system, with a particular focus on courses. Since this type of training is not currently contemplated in the Israeli educational system, politicians are visiting significant examples of its application in other countries, with a view to future implementation.

From the outset, Comau has been strongly committed not only to the training of its company management, but also to that of university students. Indeed, for some time now, the Comau Academy has been actively pursuing its objective to offer companies, organizations and global market operators the benefit of the Group’s consolidated experience in managing industrial processes. In particular it provides learning opportunities aimed at developing technical and managerial skills, through training courses focused on the practical situations that tend to arise in the course of everyday business management.

The Master’s degree in Industrial Automation is one of Comau Academy’s initiatives. Run in collaboration with Turin Polytechnic and financed by the Region of Piedmont, this two-year post-graduate professional training course contemplates a first year of 540 hours’ lessons, taught in English and subdivided between the Turin university lecture halls and the premises of the Comau Group, while the second year is dedicated to 660 hours of in-company project work. In January 2014, the third edition of the Master degree course got off to a start, having admitted 25 young engineers from Italian and foreign universities.

Organized by Comau in association with Turin Polytechnic and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Project & People Management School is an itinerant campus which involves the three great automotive capitals: Detroit, Shanghai and Turin. The PPM School of Comau is an educational project targeting students who wish to acquire the necessary tools for managing projects and human resources in a multinational context. The PPM School’s course of study is totally conducted in the English language and alternates classroom teaching with working activities on real-life projects. In 2013, the Comau management school was attended by 35 students, 19 from Turin Polytechnic and 16 from the Catholic University of Milan.