CELOS® from DMG MORI has five new APPs


CELOS® now offers 16 APPs. It includes five new APPs.DMG MORI’s CELOS® includes five new APPs  and now offers 16 APPs. CELOS® is a common user interface with a unique multi-touch screen for all new high-tech machines. Structuring by means of APPs makes CELOS® as easy to operate as a smart phone. As a result, users benefit from a 30% saving in setup time and 50% less effort for calculating technical values and searching for important information. The latest CELOS® version will be available from April 2016. Also on display, here will be a PC version of CELOS® for continuous production planning in production engineering with direct connection to the machines.

As an APP-based control and operating software package, CELOS® from DMG MORI enables consistent management, documentation and visualization of order, process and machine data. It also simplifies, standardizes and automates operation of the machine.

The CELOS® APPs are divided into five groups for production, utilities, support, configuration and machine views. The five new CELOS® APPs specifically target a further improvement in production engineering and company organization, and provide optimized applications and service planning of DMG MORI machines: Pallet Charger, Service Agent, Tool Handling, Job Scheduler and Messenger.