CECE 2014 Congress in Antwerp


Bannerhome_CECE_wwwCommittee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) is going to host its next congress in Antwerp on 16 and 17 October 2014. The situation in Europe is still very challenging with the economy continuously showing GDP growth at very low rates, and public investment levels remaining down in many EU countries. In that context of slow demand, the sector needs to cope with being competitive on a global level. The combination of the current situation in Europe and fierce globalization trend requires manufacturers to be innovative and agile to maintain profit.

The aim of this year’s CECE Congress is to share best practice in “agility” within the construction equipment industry, and highlight examples from other sectors. We need all of the industry to become more open-minded and explore new areas to compete better. With these challenges in mind, the 2014 CECE Congress title is “The Construction Equipment Industry in an AGILE world”. As with previous editions, the Congress will start with a main session on Thursday 16th October featuring excellent keynote speakers – followed by 4 densely-packed breakout sessions focusing on specific challenges facing our industry. Then there will be our Gala Dinner for all attendees, partners and special guests in a very prestigious location, the famous Art Nouveau Horta Restaurant.

On Friday 17th October, a press conference will gather journalists to learn about the latest economic data from the sector and forecasts for the future. On the same day, the CECE Regulatory Update, the Economic Forum, and Technical Forum will also take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in Antwerp. Since the construction equipment sector is part of the machine tool industry’s value chain, CECIMO delegates and other European machine tool builders are invited to join the event.