Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi: the largest Aluminium roof in the world


Ferrari_tetto Viganò International ensures the best results in the Aluminium processing. This material is widely used in roofs construction: it makes possible to reduce the load on the supporting construction considerably. We give some information about the largest Aluminium roof in the world, the roof of the Ferrari World giant entertainment park in Abu Dhabi… It has an area of 200,000 square metres, it is over 700 metres in diameter; the Ferrari logo that you can see in the photo measures an incredible 65 meters in length and covers an area of 3,000 square meters, it is the biggest Ferrari logo ever created. The roof, that mimics the lines of a Ferrari GT, consists of individual aluminum panels that were formed directly from roll stock on-site, seamed during installation and fastened together. Rolled edge joints allow the roof to breathe yet remain watertight. Despite there being no requirements in the Emirates, the ‘Rosso Corse’ colour was achieved without the use of lead or metals, which complies with EU standards.