MBF Aluminium manufacturing excellence rewarded by PSA Peugeot Citroën

Gianpiero Colla, Executive Vice President MBF Aluminium, (right) and Pascal Gignoux, PSA, Supplier Quality Development Powertrain & Chassis (left)
Gianpiero Colla, Executive Vice President MBF Aluminium, (right) and Pascal Gignoux, PSA, Supplier Quality Development Powertrain & Chassis (left)

MBF Aluminium has received the important PSA Peugeot Citroën Supplier Award in the category Best Plant 2013 (performance in the areas of quality, logistic, industrialization and quality in the launches and continuous improvement of manufacturing processes).

Established ten years ago, the Supplier Awards are given to suppliers who are fully committed to their relationship with PSA Peugeot Citroën during the year and responded most effectively to the Group’s expectations through their performance.

For MBF Aluminium this prize is a big result and it is the recognition of the effort and hard job of all its Saint Claude’s employees.  MBF Aluminium mission is in fact ensuring an ambitious quality policy to meet more and more its customers’ requirements.