At MECSPE the mechanics meets the cloud


DSC_7677The progressive information digitalization involves any aspect of the contemporary life, included the industrial and the mechanical ones. Thanks to the cloud computing and the programming, it is possible to realize a whole project in a Country (or in a Continent) and then display the engineerization and the production in another one, looking for the best competences at the best price. In order to show how the production is more and more a decentralized and global working experience, thanks to the digital connectivity that allows the interchange in real time of the same data and information among all the subjects, MECSPE will realize during the three days of the event (Fiere di Parma -Parma Fairground-, 27th-29th March) Digital Factory – beyond the automation©, a project by Senaf Srl tha represents the heart of the 2014 trade show edition. “The big companies are already using this model and it is absolutely necessary that also the industrial enterprises equip themselves, if they want to keep on playing a successful role in the production world” explains engineer Michele Rossi, technical director of the event.

In the middle of the Factory there is the human intelligence, represented by a ‘smart’ product that presents details with a particular production interest; at its service there is first of all an ‘artificial intelligence’, in order to digitalize the project of the piece, analyse the order and make the connected evaluation, and then a series of production unities that, gotten the order, will produce live the piece, thanks to the use of working machines. “The Digital Factory – beyond the automation© is a new initiative in the worldwide trade show sector, because it represents the only example of concrete and functioning realization of the evolution of the development model of the manufacturing factories for the next years” explains Rossi.  Protagonist of the The Digital Factory – beyond the automation©, the Xam 2.0 (eXtreme Automotive Mobility) project, realized by the H2politO Team from the Polytechnic Institute in Turin, a prototype of an electric car – mainly conceived to take part in the races on a racetrack – that has the ambitious aim to stimulate the development of new ideas concerning the city mobility, presenting interesting features for a city car. Xam 2.0 presents very advanced component parts for its category with subsystems which are innovative but easy to be industrialized, that before will be engineerized and then realized by the companies which decided to take part in the The Digital Factory – beyond the automation©, from a performances improvement point of view, using technologies, materials and machining that point to the lightening of the piece and to its eco-compatibility. The component parts of Xam, that will be developed during the trade show, will contribute to the realization of the most advanced model of the car. “We are developing a 3.0 version of XAM and we will make it as an innovative start-up, spin off of the Polytechnic Institute in Turin – tells engineer Andrea Airale, Team Leader – We aim to realize a modular ‘platform’ in order to create vehicles for car sharing or swap in the stations, and usable for the green development of the urban mobility”. On this side, Xam 2.0 received the Best Extended Range Vehicle Prototype award during the Future Car Challenge 2012. “The XAM 2.0 project gave us the chance to realize a dream: creating a functioning prototype of a vehicle that take part in a race on roads open to the traffic, competing with the most ‘noble’ brands of car worldwide states engineer Alessandro Ferraris, Project Manager But the biggest teaching of this experience is that the team work, the organization, the humility and the goodwill are able to motivate the people to pursue goals that can also seem very difficult to reach”.

The enthusiasm of both young engineers is also in the spirit that moved the Team in order to undertake the challenge of the Digital Factory, as confirms engineer Massimiliana Carello, Faculty Advisor and team supervisor: “MECSPE will the an interesting chance to show the parallelism between the digital integration of the single XAM 2.0 technologies and the concept of the digital factory, and it is also an experience in line with our project aims, that wants to create a new generation of engineers, who are more ‘ready’ because are used to the collaboration with the companies and the industrial Italian tissue”. A collaboration that is anything but passive: “We can always learn from people with a huge experience, but we also want to bring some enthusiasm into the industrial world that, in this period, has to face in some sectors a very deep crisis”. Therefore at the base of the Digital Factory project, there will be an exchange of ideas and competences between the research world and the companies, which will be the concrete proof that  “the world of university, research and companies can and have to work ‘side by side’, if they want to give life to success projects with high technological content, also realized with relatively low costs ” concludes engineer Carello.