A solution to collect and sent data from the machining process to a dashboard


Among a number of enhancements, the latest Silent Tools technology for internal turning at long overhangs now feature embedded connectivity within the adaptor.
Named Silent Tools™ +, this Sandvik Coromant solution enables data from the machining process to be collected and sent to a dashboard, giving the operator a valuable insight into what is happening inside slender tubular components. For instance, it will be possible to detect if there is too much vibration or if the surface quality is at risk of being compromised. Furthermore, operators will be able to reduce the time that the machine runs without the tool in cut.

«The combination of CoroPlus connectivity and Silent Tools damping technology makes this a solution that shows the technical heights we can expect from the machining solutions of the future,» says Åke Axner, Product Manager Silent Tools Turning Adaptors at Sandvik Coromant. «Silent Tools + turning adaptors with embedded connectivity support our overall CoroPlus strategy, which enables customers to work more efficiently.»
The range of Silent Tools from Sandvik Coromant is designed to minimise vibration through a pre-tuned dampener inside the tool body that consists of a heavy mass supported by rubber spring elements. The benefits of this design are multi-faceted, allowing machine shops to increase metal removal rates, improve surface finish, secure the process or reduce production costs.