Special steel for customer-specific applications from Schmolz + Bickenbach Group


SCHMOLZ-BICKENBACH-Group-293x300The Schmolz + Bickenbach Group offers technical support to design the supply chains they need. Customers now have one contact that provides access to the full range of high-end special steel long products produced by the Group, including tool steel, stainless, acid-resistant and heat-resistant steel, bright steel as well as engineering steel.
The special steel long products are produced in the steel mills and processing facilities of Ardenacier (F), Deutsche Edelstahlwerke (D), Finkl Steel (CA, US), Steeltec (CH, D, DK, SWE; TR), Swiss Steel (CH) and their subsidiary Ardenacier (F), and Ugitech (D, F, IT). SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH gives particular attention to the improved grades for high machinability: ETG® bright steel from Steeltec and UGIMA® stainless steel from Ugitech are the answer to the increasing demand for the highest productivity and an optimum cost benefit ratio in steel processing. After all, improved steel machinability is the lever for lower parts costs and high component quality. Buyers in the automotive and aerospace industries, in mechanical engineering and the energy industry demand parts in the most accurate dimensional tolerances that are long-lasting and comparatively reasonably priced.
The Group’s other special products are the specialty steel long products from Deutsche Edelstahlwerke, such as Thermodur® 2342 of the hot-working tool steel portfolio “Thermodur®”. Used in the manufacture of mandrel bars for the oil and gas industry, this steel comes as bar material in lengths of 10 to 14 meters. Thanks to state-of-the-art technologies and many years of expertise in steel manufacture, they are of the highest straightness – the prerequisites for safe and reliable use in the production of seamless tubes. These tubes are used for the low-loss transfer of liquids and gases in oil and gas exploration and extraction.