New structures, new opportunities


metal-working-world-magazine-julyEurope has always been land of conquerors and merchants. Big manufacturers of artifacts and big exporters of them. First ancient Romans, then Italians themselves with Maritime Republics, afterwards French and English with their colonies in Africa, in Arab Countries and Asia. Germans, conquerors of lands through the sale of high-quality and high-precision industrial products, mainly concerning engineering. Holland, Sweden and Spain are certainly worth mentioning, being Countries that have undoubtedly shared in conveying the renown of a manufacturing and exporting Europe worldwide. What above written is true to the extent that today a good 31 million workplaces in Europe (more than 3 mil only in Italy) depend just on the daily exchange of products with Countries outside Europe itself. The world is anyway living a strong change and in the next few years we must expect that 90% of the world growth will take place outside European borders. New structures will then emerge, precisely like the ones that might lead Greece outside the Euro zone, but even more, close to Russia. A Country with a very strong and harsh character, able not to worry so much about the sanctions imposed just by the European Union, thus pursuing and signing agreements with Chinese, for instance, in order to increase the exchange of various products, not only energy ones, between the two Countries. Therefore in “Moscow” fashion products but also plants of various kinds, medical or infrastructural products, are growing. Then new opportunities. This will be mandatorily the diktat for European Countries in the next future. Searching for new business opportunities to be seized irrespective of the sector and of the geographical location. Today Europe can then benefit from the boost represented by the diffusion in the world of Bioparks where they study and develop Biotechnologies. This sector has become primary all over the world and it grants in exponential manner the result of the investor’s investment. We are not referring here to the New Economy, but to the study and implementation of useful biotechnological instruments for the humankind development. Biotechnologies that can be applied to industry, healthcare and agriculture. 22 million people in Europe work in the sector of biotechnologies, generating 8% of the European GDP. 3,593 European businesses which generate about 2 trillion Euros of turnover. All that will involve investments in human resources as well as in technology, plants, machines, campuses, infrastructures and building. Countries like Morocco or other African, Asian and Arab nations are just betting on this specific high added value sector. Can we consider, then, these figures and this scenario as a new real business opportunity for the companies of the field that is the focus of our magazine? In my opinion, yes, certainly.

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