A new Iran-Italy design company


2808390_f520A new company is setting a milestone in Iran’s vehicle industry history: it’s a joint Iran-Italy company which has been established aimed at designing joint vehicles. As part of its efforts to develop new products and complete the value chain of its car industry to expand its capabilities in designing and other related fields, Iran Khodro Industrial Group has signed agreements with Tisser from Iran and another company from Italy to establish a joint company.

The new company is established based on strategic plans of IKCO to fulfill the country’s Development Plan, to implement the development policies of our car industry by Iranian calendar year of 1404 and to accomplish the project of car designing in Iran.

The joint company is set to provide an appropriate ground for designers, industrialists and academics of Iran to expand cooperation with global designers. The cooperation will enable them to not only receive practical training but also play a key role in new international car designing inside Iran. Car designation include Body in white or BIW, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), developing prototype, providing logistical support for designation process and engineering the production of vehicle’s parts and complexes, managing the test processes and approving the quality of final products.

It’s noteworthy that Iranian companies have not been active enough in designing vehicle industry up to now. So, in this field, they have been mainly dependent on other industrial countries. The establishment of the joint company in private sector has become possible only by considerable efforts of Iran Khordo Industrial Group’s management. It provides the Iranian experts with a unique opportunity to overcome major deficiencies in industrial designation and vehicle products’ designation. The company also paves the way for them to take a long step in promoting designing industry in our country by activating its designing and engineering units.