Three systems working in a single process


At INTUBE XVII BLM Group will present a specific example of starting from a roll, the copper tube is straightened, shaped on one end, cut to measure, curved and shaped on the other end. This process is another example of the All-In-One concept. It reflects the extensive knowledge BLM GROUP has over all metal tube machining technologies and the ability to integrate them in a single efficient process that focuses the finished piece and not the individual machining steps.

The process: three machines working in parallel
The 3-RUNNER systems feeds the tube from the roll, straightens it, performs shaping of the first end, cuts it to measure and automatically feeds the loader of the tube bender.
SMART, multi-radius tube bender, right and left in process, performs a bend with mandrel, automatically unloading the piece on a conveyor belt.
E-FORM performs the shaping of the other end of the tube according to the typical tolerances in the automotive sector.
The solution proves extremely efficient from various points of view. The parallelization of some work stages on various systems allows optimizing the cycle time and reduce the piece cost.

The ability to work from a coil, also allows optimizing the consumption of material.

Finally, all machining is integrated into a single process which simplifies logistics, removing all intermediate steps, eliminating the transfer of the piece to other devices, eliminating intermediate material stocks, ensuring maximum repeatability and quality of production.