The “Future Trends in Machine Tools and Manufacturing” workshop on the 8th October 2015


WORKSHOP FUTURE TRENDS IN MACHINE TOOLS AND MANUFACTURINGManufacturing as one of the main pillars of the economic growth and a key factor in job creation. The “Future Trends in Machine Tools and Manufacturing” workshop will take place on Thursday, 8th October 2015  from 9:30 am to 1 pm, during EMO 2015, in Milan (Congress Center Stella Polare – Room Sagittarius – Fiera Milano Rho).

This event is a good opportunity to discuss on the evolution of industrial technologies with outstanding international experts. Is the future of manufacturing really sustainable? And in which way innovative technologies as computer vision-, micro-, hybrid-, additive-, cryogenic-machining, smart materials, robots and innovative design techniques could increase performances and improve precision in machining?

By taking part in “Future Trends in Machine Tools and Manufacturing”, you will discover innovative technologies on which the improvement of the quality of life depends.