Schuler Innovation Tower (S.I.T.) is going up


schulergroup-innovation-towerThe construction of Schuler Innovation Tower (S.I.T.) in Göppingen, Germany, was officially started. The twelve storeys of the new engineering and technology center will provide space for 750 employees. With a total volume of more than € 40 million, it is the biggest single investment in the company’s history.

“This is a commitment to the high-tech business location Germany,” stated CEO Stefan Klebert. “The name Schuler Innovation Tower reflects our determination to always be at the cutting edge of technology. In order to maintain this leading position, we need to provide our staff with the best-possible working conditions and high-quality workplaces which create a pleasant environment and space for new ideas.”

The new building will also house the Schuler company restaurant; the top floor will be used for meetings with several conference rooms. The office concept has been designed and implemented in accordance with the latest findings on workflow organization. Construction work on the Schuler Innovation Tower is due to be completed by spring of 2017 with the first employees due to move in during summer of 2017.



Bild1.jpg: Schuler’s Chief Technology Officer Joachim Beyer and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Peter Jost, Göppingen’s Senior Planning Officer Helmut Renftle, Schuler’s Supervisory Board Chairman and ANDRITZ Chief Executive Officer Dr. Wolfgang Leitner, Schuler’s Chief Executive Officer Stefan Klebert, Göppingen’s mayor Guido Till and Schuler’s Chief Financial Officer Norbert Broger at the ground-breaking ceremony (from left).

Bild2.jpg: The twelve storeys of the Schuler Innovation Tower will provide space for 750 employees.


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