New management for Lorch Application Centre


Is 55 years old Ing. Bernd Dalmer the person sho is taking charge at the application centre operated by Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH at their company’s location in Auenwald, Germany. Lorch operates an additional location in Bottrop-Kirchhellen, which has been assimilated into Lorch’s Welding Technology Centre in Hild-Löbbecke. Both of these LACs strive to afford customers exceptional welding expertise in a faster and more targeted way, serving them as the go-to solution and consulting partner.

Since their founding 60 years ago, Lorch Schweißtechnik GmbH has been at the absolute forefront of welding technology, taking the advancements in the field to ever greater heights. By establishing their own centres of excellence in Auenwald and Bottrop-Kirchhellen, Lorch is investing like no other company in research and development as well as the practical implementation of cutting-edge welding technology. In Bernd Dalmer, the Lorch Application Centre has found a new manager who has earned wide acclaim in the industry.

The graduate engineer started assuming several managerial positions at Lorch as early as 1999 and was last responsible for Lorch’s sales in the southern region of Germany and Switzerland as area sales manager. Dalmer sees his new role as an opportunity to further advance and continuously expand the LAC by contributing his experience, which he has gained by working in the field and in the industry for many years. “With the LAC, Lorch has created an institution that excels at devising ground-breaking welding technologies and processes for even more productive welding and solves application-specific problems at the highest professional level”, explains Bernd Dalmer. “I am elated to take on this responsibility in the company and being given the chance to do my share in engineering welding solutions that truly make a difference and offer our customers a decisive advantage.”

Working under real-world industrial conditions, the centre conducts feasibility studies as well as material testing and analyses a wide variety of welding jobs on site in an effort to find solutions that match the customer’s specific requirements. “Our goal at our LACs is to pick the customer up – as early as the project status – where they left off in the process of finding a solution to their problem. Since our consultations are tailored to both the customer and their project, we can team up with the customer to formulate a concept that helps pare down cost and achieves the greatest possible productivity for the company in question”, says Dalmer describing the main objective of the two application centres.

What is more, the LACs allow both customers and authorised dealers to experience and thoroughly test Lorch’s entire product range on site and up close and personal. Finally, the LACs host regular lecture events on welding processes and hands-on training classes on the members of Lorch’s product family. Better still, the LACs work in close cooperation and engage in regular exchanges with the Munich University of Applied Sciences, whose members work at the highest professional level on both practical and scientific solutions that take welding processes to the next level of performance.