Klingelnberg’s debut in an in-house exhibition


download (1)The full  product range of Klingelnberg  made its debut appearance in a two day event at an in-house exhibition taking place at the company’s Hückeswagen plant. On 18 and 19 June Klingelnberg experts presented their innovative product developments and solutions to numerous customers and business partners.

The event afforded a live view of many new developments and countless interesting presentations, with Klingelnberg demonstrating during the two-day event just how fascinating machine designs in gear technology can be. The show’s highlights included presentations of the advanced vertical concept in the bevel gear machines (C 30 and G 30), the new P 16 precision measuring center designed to measure small workpieces, and the new BC 12 measuring device for precision measurement of stick blades, as well as a presentation of new tool systems. The mechanical engineering firm presented all of these innovative machine designs directly in live demonstrations.

Klingelnberg covered a broad range of topics in interesting lectures, in which Klingelnberg experts reported on current challenges in drive technology and the company’s unique Closed-Loop concept for gear manufacturing, among other topics.