Dynamic Precision for high production rates of precisely machined workpieces


Dynamic Precision and further functions of TNC controls are available at the HEIDENHAIN ITALIANA .Fast metal-cutting processes with high accuracy and excellent surface quality—HEIDENHAIN eliminates this apparent contradiction with functions for TNC controls summed up under the name Dynamic Precision. They reduce the dynamic error of feed axes in machine tools, which significantly improves path accuracy at high feed rates and in complex path contours. This enables the user to enjoy the machine’s full accuracy potential and profit from appreciable time savings together with significantly better surface quality and component accuracy. Moreover, he has less scrap and rework—which ultimately means reduced unit costs.

“Dynamic Precision” comprises these TNC functions:

  • Cross Talk Compensation (CTC)
  • Active Vibration Damping (AVD)
  • Position, Load and Motion Adaptive Control (PAC/LAC/MAC)

Detailed information on Dynamic Precision and further functions of TNC controls are available at the HEIDENHAIN ITALIANA booth in Hall 2, I55 in MECSPE fair on 17-19 March 2016.