Zani: the added value of the servo-technology


Specialized for over 50 years in the design of machines, plants and systems for the sheet metal forming, Zani has always paid great attention to the technological innovation and evolution. This orientation has allowed the company headquartered at Turate (CO) to consolidate its market position and to become a reference partner in the sector, in Italy and abroad. A positive success supported by a wider and wider product range able to satisfy the most different forming requirements. Among the designed, developed and implemented machines stand out also those belonging to the Servo Master series. Presses available with eccentric or knuckle-joint kinematics, driven by servomotors.

«The servo technology – explains the owner Ennio Zaffaroni – became part of our product offer more than ten years ago. During this lapse of time, after the first 300-ton prototype, we developed machines with various power, up to over 3,000 tons, allowing us to gain wide-ranging experience and know-how, from both the power and dimensional point of view».

The press suits the product and not the contrary

Flexible and performing, the presses driven by servo motors represent an interesting opportunity not only wherever there is the need of manufacturing very different components one another but also for those that, in their process, use complementary technologies (for instance, feeding lines, transfers and handling systems).

«As many benefits– adds Zaffaroni – are addressed also to the companies using new composite materials or the toughest ones. The great distinguishing peculiarity resides in the fact that the press suits the process and the product and not the contrary, thus granting the highest flexibility. Conventional presses turn out in fact to be very stiff and scarcely adaptable. The servo press actually reverses this concept».

Moreover, servo presses allow a great optimization of the machining cycle. Adaptation to the single specifications that, if integrated with the above-mentioned complementary technologies, permits two-figure increments of productive performance.

«Likewise, – adds Zaffaroni – servo presses turn out to be a valid choice when flexibility is needed, as in the case of die manufacturers that must implement some pre-series, or require the highest product quality but with uneven changeovers that would not justify the investment in so many presses suitable for satisfying the requisites».

As already mentioned, Zani can manufacture servo presses with powers exceeding 3,000 tons. Concerning this, a new Servo master line, featuring 3,200 tons, configured with a 7m table, is in accomplishment phase and soon will be installed.

«Intended for the Italian market – ends Zaffaroni – this massive plant will satisfy the more and more challenging requirements of the automotive industry, where productivity and product quality are fundamental discriminants for competitiveness. We will have the opportunity of presenting this interesting application that, under all respects, concerns the first press, by capacity and sizes, installed in Italy».

The new servo-press will further widen the offer product by Zani that today includes machines with flexible cycle, programmable with conventional or pendulum motion, powers ranging from 200 to 3,200 ton, configurable with tables up to 7 m, with 1-2-4 connecting rods, with fixed or variable strokes up to 800 mm and machining speeds that can reach 200 c/min.