EUROGUSS 2018 ready to start


EUROGUSS will take place at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 16 to 18 January 2018. With around 600 exhibitors and more than 12,000 visitors expected, it’s one of the leading trade fair for the entire die casting supply chain, from raw materials through technologies and processes to finished products.

An attractive supporting programme featuring the International German Die Casting Congress, a finishing technology pavilion, practical workshops and awards ceremonies for die-casting competitions for aluminium, zinc, and for the first time, magnesium, make EUROGUSS the No. 1 gathering for the European die casting industry. The Nuremberg trade fair experts are also involved in other die casting events worldwide in 2018: at CHINA DIECASTING from 18 to 20 July in in Shanghai (China), at Fundiexpo in Guadalajara, Mexico for the first time from 24 to 26 October, and at ALUCAST in Delhi, India from 6 to 8 December.

“The preparations for EUROGUSS are going really well,” says a delighted Christopher Boss, Exhibition Director at NürnbergMesse.”Around 600 exhibitors – more than ever before – have registered for the event. Many exhibitors have chosen to have larger stands than they did at the last event. Naturally, all the market leaders will be out in force again, but we also have new exhibitors on board. Every last square metre of the three exhibition halls has been booked, so we are absolutely full. This shows just how important die casting is for lightweight construction.”

EUROGUSS 2018 – products on display cover the entire die casting supply chain

More than half of EUROGUSS exhibitors are international. After Germany, the biggest exhibiting nation is Italy, followed by Turkey, Switzerland, Austria and Spain.  Around 38 percent of the exhibitors are die casting foundries. The remaining exhibitors will be showcasing die casting technology like machines, peripheral equipment, furnaces, moulds, metals, alloys, release agents and operating materials. There will also be displays covering the after-treatment of castings, hardening and surface technology, quality management, control and drive technology, rapid prototyping and software. Information on exhibitors and their products is available online at:

The trade visitors to EUROGUSS are mainly decision-makers and users from the automotive industry, machine and plant engineering companies, mould making specialists, the electronics industry, energy and medical technology and die casting foundries. Tickets for EUROGUSS can be purchased in advance online at:

International German Die Casting Congress in NCC Ost for first time

In 2018, the International German Die Casting Congress, which is very popular with trade fair visitors, will take place in the directly adjacent and easily accessible NCC Ost Congress Center. Presentations on the latest industry issues and developments will be the focus at the established three-day event. The presentations will be simultaneously translated into English for the benefit of all international visitors. As of November, the congress programme can be downloaded from: The congress is hosted by the Association of German Die Casting Foundries (VDD) within the German Foundry Association (BDG). Participation in the congress is included in the trade fair admission price.

New: VDI workshops on hybrid casting, simulation and IT security

For the first time, the Association of German Engineers (VDI) is offering three special workshops on 15 January 2018, the day before the trade fair. They will cover the following topics:

  • Hybrid casting for automotive construction
  • Simulation in foundry technology
  • IT security in the foundry sector

On 16 January workshop participants will get the opportunity to take part free of charge in exclusive guided tours about EUROGUSS including a visit to the exhibition. For details of the programme and registrations please go to:

Finishing technology pavilion in Hall 6

The separate pavilion for the key topic of finishing technology, which successfully premiered two years ago, will be featured once again in 2018. The after-treatment and coating of functional and heavy duty castings is an important issue for casting foundries. Appropriate machines and processing technologies help give the surfaces of cast products a high-quality appearance and may involve treatments like deburring, grinding, polishing, coating or finishing. The finishing pavilion in Hall 6, Stand 6-333 will showcase companies that offer machining and surface finishing of lightweight metals.

Competitions for aluminium, zinc and magnesium die cast parts

Once again, there will be plenty of excitement during the opening ceremony for EUROGUSS on the Monday evening of 16 January 2018, when the winners of the three competitions for aluminium, zinc and (for the first time) magnesium die casting will be announced. The host associations* use these awards to recognise especially outstanding die cast parts. Their objective is also to make the public aware of the wide range of applications for aluminium, zinc and magnesium materials and their special properties. The awards will be presented during the opening ceremony. A detailed presentation about the winning products will be held during the International German Die Casting Congress.

German die casting sector looks optimistically to the future

According to the Association of German Die Casting Foundries (VDD), most German die casting foundries were able to increase their sales and production volumes in 2016 and 2017. In the first half of 2017, aluminium die casting was up 7.1 percent to 338,000 metric tons, zinc die casting was up 10.7 percent to 32,000 metric tons, and magnesium die casting rose by 1.5 percent to 9,100 metric tons. On the client side, the automotive market is playing an increasingly dominant role, accounting for roughly 70 percent in the meantime. The remaining 30% of die cast production is distributed over a large number of different customer segments.

European equipment manufacturers enjoy larger market share in 2016

According to CEMAFON (European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association) the value of equipment exported from CEMAFON member countries increased from EUR 377 million in 2015 to EUR 400 million last year. This is equivalent to a 7 percent increase in the market share of CEMAFON members, or around 45 percent of the world market. In 2016, the world’s largest die casting equipment exporter was Italy, followed by Japan, China, Switzerland and Germany.

First-hand experience of die casting events worldwide

NürnbergMesse Group is reinforcing the position of its successful events at its home location of Nuremberg by developing worldwide product families. The company sees itself as paving the way for German and other European die casting foundries aiming to break into the international market or wanting to strengthen their global business relationships. The next event in the EUROGUSS product family is CHINA DIECASTING in Shanghai from 18 to 20 July 2018, which expects to welcome around 350 exhibitors and 15,000 trade visitors. For the first time, NürnbergMesse Group will have a pavilion at the leading foundry exhibition Fundiexpo in Guadalajara, Mexico from 24 to 26 October 2018. Around 170 exhibitors and 5,000 trade visitors are expected to attend. The next event after that will be from 6 to 8 December 2018, when ALUCAST in Greater Noida, Delhi/NCR, India, will open its doors to around 150 exhibitors and more than 3,500 trade visitors.

Various companies will report on their personal experiences in China, Mexico and India during EUROGUSS, within the scope of the China, Mexico and India Days event in NCC Ost. Surveys and market forecasts will also be presented. In the entrance area to Hall 7A interested parties can get detailed information about these overseas events. For further information please visit: