EuroBlech, F.lli Vimercati: efficiency and performances in press braking


03+7 catalogo_tracc.inddConceived and developed by F.lli Vimercati, e.TERNA technology represents the perfect matching between the benefits of a conventional press braking system and the new opportunities offered by electronics and the use of motors coupled with inverters. Sinergy able to provide these new presses with high performances and bending quality, besides flexibility and energy efficiency. The technological core of the system is represented by the capability of recognizing automatically specific parameters (hardness, length, position etc. of the material under machining) for each machine cycle, to transform them, in real time, into a suitable process for the application. In this context, the low energy consumption (equal to an electrical press’) is obtained thanks to an inverter that, combined with a double high-efficiency pump, controls the main motor and operates it only when the machine starts running. The energy saving is granted also during the machining phases thanks to the Pressure Control system (developed by Vimercati) which supplies cylinders only with the necessary bending force.
EuroBlech Hall 11 , Stand D164