CAM2 presents the new Smart inspect software


Cam2, Turin company of Faro Technologies Group and supplier of technologies for three-dimensional measuring and documentation, has launched on the market the new measuring software SmartInspect in the two Basic and Pro versions. The product is particularly suitable for the measuring without Cad data and its development has strongly staked on a simple and intuitive use, as well as on the easy learning by less experienced users in 3D ambit, too. Among the functions of the Basic edition, there is the possibility of adding also images to the entities to be measured, just to facilitate at best the works of operators relying on lower competences in the sector. As far as SmartInspect Pro is concerned, Cam2 has provided it with live three-dimensional vision, at users’ disposal, which in its function of visual interface allows representing the acquired geometries in optimal way. In this way it grants a rapid orientation by users, while the usable entities, for instance for measuring combined lengths and angles, can be directly acquired on the screen. The automatic entity recognition speeds up measuring processes while effectively supporting end- users in the processing of measuring sequences with a handful of clicks. Moreover, the software itself automatically suggests functions and controls that might prove necessary while measuring to users. An additional advantage for non-specialists, but also for professionals who in this way will take advantage of significantly streamlined operating procedures. The intuitive nature of Cam2 applicative software is finally demonstrated by learning times: according to the company, only one training day is in fact necessary to work satisfactorily with SmartInspect.