Forecast 2021 – DMG MORI strategically and financially well positioned


Global machine tool consumption is expected to recover slowly in 2021 after the sharp decline in 2020. The German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW) and the British economic research institute Oxford Economics forecast growth of +17.7% to € 64.9 billion (previous year: -23.2%; € 55.1 billion). However, it cannot be excluded that these forecasts will have to be adjusted during the year due to the continuing global uncertainties and the corona pandemic including virus mutations.

DMG MORI is strategically and financially well positioned to overcome the crisis and emerge stronger. Our efficiency measures, high cost discipline and the further expansion of our future fields make DMG MORI resilient and strong for the future. We are focusing in particular on automation, digitization and sustainability. With our first completely digital in-house exhibition at the beginning of February in Pfronten, we impressively demonstrated that DMG MORI is the No. 1 partner for the future. We focus on digital innovations, top quality, maximum customer benefit and pioneering business models. We will publish further information on business development at the annual press conference on 9 March 2021.