Cavenaghi&Ridolfi: performing, integrated and with high technological level




Specialized in the design and manufacturing of special presses and forming/drawing plants upon customers’ precise specifications, Cavenaghi & Ridolfi can boast an all-round experience that has allowed it to develop high added value know-how and competences. In the last decade, the company’s manufacturing activity has been increasingly oriented to big special machines with high technological level, integrating them with dies, equipment and automatic feeding and unloading systems. Among them ranks also a recent plant purchased by a leader company operating in the automotive industry, composed by a coil feeding line and a Cavenaghi & Ridolfi hydraulic press type C.R.o.p.i.S 20.000 kN – 1ES – 5,000 x 1,800. The latter, with adjustable closing force up to 20,000 kN, plan distance 650 – 1,450 mm and working sizes of the mobile and extractable table of 5,000 x 1,800 mm, assures approach and return speed of 600 mm/s and a working speed of 20 – 40 mm/s.

The advantages of a “progressive hydraulic servo-press”
The customer’s specific demand was the possibility of relying on a press able to integrate the speed of a mechanical press with the accurate forming control possibilities characterizing a hydraulic press, without incurring into the high costs of servo-presses. «This challenging issue – underlines Carlo Ridolfi, president of Cavenaghi & Ridolfi – has given birth to this new press that we might define a “progressive hydraulic servo-press”». Numerous are the strong points of this machine, like blanking dampeners, the slide parallelism control and the “moving bolster” (to allow the comfortable die-change operation working in complete safety and decreasing tooling times). In comparison to servo-presses and mechanical presses, a further advantage consists in the availability of the press nominal force along the entire work stroke. «The machine – adds Ridolfi – has also been equipped with a Slide Eco Control, innovative slide balancing system designed to reduce energy consumptions during the positioning motions of the slide itself». The technical division of Cavenaghi & Ridolfi has also paid utmost attention to the management of the machining scrap logistic. Concerning this, for the application at stake they have provided for apposite central and lateral disposal hatches with particular “parachutes” to reduce the fall speed of scraps and to limit their acoustic impact.


More and more 4.0
According to a vision of constant technological evolution and the development of new operational solutions, Cavenaghi & Ridolfi is currently committed, among the others, also to the development of a new and particular servo-press. «It is, in this case, a new hydraulic servo-press – adds Ridolfi – fed by an electronic transfer system with three axes, which will be very interesting both for applications in the automotive industry and in the white good sector, i.e. in the variegated household appliance field». Always focused on manufacturing innovations, according to the dictates of “Industry 4.0”, the company is studying and developing new systems for the control, supervision and integration among the various machines composing the production plant, to implement the interaction systems between man and machine. «An interaction  – ends Ridolfi – from both the operational and maintenance point of view, thanks to the introduction of data analysis systems that allow the machine to learn from the collected data and to optimize the preventive maintenance management».

All-italian technology and quality
The net of Formitaly enterprises is composed by historical sector companies, including Cavenaghi & Ridolfi and I.M.V. Presse, specialized in their segment and mutually complementary, which can offer fully integrated and automated plants for the sheet metal forming and stamping, such as: dies, presses, feeding and automation lines, machines for the die maintenance. The intense synergy among the various competences gained on the field and the common target of constantly improving both the manufactured plants and the after sale service, make this “pool” of companies a perfect partner, able to solve the most complex demands with high quality, forefront technology and a prompt and competent service; all that with excellent quality-price ratio.